Thursday, December 9, 2010
Economist Intelligence Unit Predicts BN To Lose More Seats
Monday, December 6, 2010
National Instrument's New Facility To Employ 1,500 People
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Wang Ehsan ala ZAKAT
Setelah sekian lama mendiamkan diri kini saya ingin kembali menulis bagi melontarkan pandangan serta idea demi penambahbaikan kehidupan rakyat jelata. Di dalam entry kali ini saya ingin menghuraikan sedikit tentang idea peribadi saya mengenai konsep wang ehsan ala Zakat yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat Islam untuk kegunaan masyarakat Islam di negara ini. Sebagaimana yang diketahui umum, wang ehsan Zakat yang disumbangkan oleh rakyat adalah untuk disalurkan kepada golongan miskin serta mereka yang kurang bernasib baik. Buat masa ini Zakat yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat Islam adalah untuk sama-sama membantu masyarakat Islam. Namun idea sebenar saya adalah untuk menubuhkan satu NGO bukan islam untuk memberikan khidmat menyalurkan wang ehsan ala Zakat yang dikutip daripada masyarakat bukan Islam untuk disalurkan kepada masyarakat bukan Islam di negara. Ingin saya jelaskan disini adalah wang yang dikutip adalah daripada masyarakat bukan Islam dan untuk kegunaan masyarakat bukan Islam dan saya percaya jikalau aspek ini diperhalusi dengan lebih mendalam tidak akan timbul sebarang kemusykilan tentang idea saya ini. Mana-mana aspek baik, bagus seta positif yang diamalkan oleh mana-mana agama wajar diterima pakai dan diubahasuai mengikut acuan masing-masing kerana segala agama didunia ini hanya mengajar untuk berbuat baik keatas manusia lain. Oleh itu saya percaya idea wang ehsan ala Zakat wajar dikaji oleh pemikir-pemikir bukan islam di negara ini demi manfaat masyarakat bukan Islam. Berikut adalah sedikit cadangan peribadi saya tentang bagaimana idea yang saya lontarkan itu boleh dipraktikan. Untuk makluman pecahan rakyat Malaysia mengikut kaum adalah 50.4% Melayu , 23.7% Cina 7.1% , India 11.0% , Orang Asli dan 7.8% lain-lain agama. Jikalau dicampur pecahan kaum Cina, India dan lain-lain agama jumlahnya adalah 36.8%. Maka jumlah 38.6% daripada 28,250,000 rakyat Malaysia adalah sebanyak 10 904 500 masyarakat bukan Islam dan daripada jumlah ini jika kita membuat angaraan mudah bahawa hanya separuh adalah orang dewasa yang mempunyai pedapatan minimum RM 700 sebulan maka sebanyak 5 452 250 rakyat bukan Islam di negara ini mungkin dapat menyumbang kearah usaha murni ini. Sebagai contoh jika RM 5 setahun ketika musim perayaan dapat disumbangkan oleh 5 452 250 rakyat bukan Islam di negara ini maka jumlah yang dapat dikumpulkan adalah sebanyak RM 27 261 250. Duit yang dikumpulkan ini mesti disalurkan mengikut saluran yang telus dan wajar sampai ke tangan mereka yang daif dan memerlukan bantuan. Ini adalah merupakan contoh kasar bagaiman ianya dapat dilaksanakan dan sebelum hasrat ini dapat dicapai terdapat pelbagai kekusutan yang harus dirungkai dan saya kira jika ianya mendapat perhatian pemimpin dan mungkin suatu masa nanti masyarakat bukan Islam turut akan dapat menikmati kebaikan yang dirasai oleh masyarakat Islam hasil sumbangan masyarakat Islam lain yang prihatin dan baik hati. Pada pandangan saya keseluruhan idea ini lebih tepat jika diuruskan oleh NGO swasta tanpa melibatkan kerajaan kerana jika kerajaan melibatkan diri mungkin masalah lain akan ditimbulkan oleh segelintir pihak yang mungkin mendakwa idea ini mencabar Islam dan amalan Zakat. Akhir kata saya disini ingin menegaskan kepada puak-puak ekstrimis perkauman seperti PERKASA dan UMNO bahawa idea saya ini hanya adalah untuk mencontohi konsep amalan Zakat dan TIDAK SAMA SEKALI mencabar amalan Zakat atau ingin turut berkongsi amalan Zakat dengan masyarakat Islam. Sekian Salam Reformasi
Friday, October 29, 2010
New Water Theme Park In Penang
Penang Launches Tourism Application For iPhone Users
MPPP pasang CCTV
Thursday, October 28, 2010
This Is Real History
For those who read about it, you will recall that in 2005, the Malaysian government was excited about accidentally finding an ancient civilization in Johor. This was reported in the various newspapers. There was talk about excavating the huge site to rediscover this civilization. and then silence. After that, no news at all about this discovery. A number of times I have discussed with friends that there was definitely a cover up because the authorities did not like what was discovered, something that is contradicting what the government is trying to claim. So many years passed and now I received this email revealing what I suspected to be true. Good to know who are the real Pendatang and you have to start learning the correct history. A small piece of history for our future generation. Why Kota Gelanggi (lost city) touted as earliest civilization in Malay Peninsula news were banned as they were Buddhist. The Johor find of 2005 which was quietly dropped was none other than Kota Gelanggi lost city reflecting Srivijaya and its Buddhist splendour. But they deliberately disregarded it because that would have sidelined Malacca Empire and Islam which was smaller and came some 500 years later. I met Dr Lee Kam Hing, a former History prof at MU in Singapore recently at a seminar. Dr Lee, who is now Star research director, told me he was trying his best to highlight Kota Gelanggi, but that the government killed it off. This is clearly another case to cover up the real history of Malaya and fool the younger generations into believing that our history only began from Malacca 1400. Not only that, they try to show Parameswara as Malay and Muslim, but actually he was Hindu. If one were to condemn these UMNO scumbags on how they distort history, it will never end. The condemnations will go more than cover 10 PhD thesis. Once again our government wiped out any references to a famous Melaka prince as being Hindu and belonging to the powerful Hindu empire Sri Vijaya. So all of a sudden our museums, school text-books etc. all refer to Parameswara as a Malay prince. What race ruled or did not rule is besides the point. What is important is not butchering history to create your own truths. You cannot change your race even if you convert. Parameswara could have been responsible for Umno's proud heritage of ' Ketuanan Melayu '. If this is what it is based on, there is no 'Ketuanan Melayu'. The lineage of Melaka Sultans are Indians, not Malays. It is no secret that Parameswara was an Indian and a Hindu prince. It is clear from records that Parameswara never converted to Islam. He was an Indian Hindu who fled Palembang in Sumatra to eventually found Melaka circa 1400 AD. It was Sri Maharaja who converted himself and the court of Melaka to Islam, and as a result took on the name of Sultan Muhammad Shah sometime after 1435... The most famous of Indian Hindu Kings were Raja Chola and his son Rajendra Chola who invaded Southern Thailand, Kedah, Perak, Johor and Sumatra about 1000 AD. This is Raja-Raja Chola , the Indian/Hindu kings and not Raja Chulan a Malay king. But what is really sad is that our children are taught as though Malaysian history suddenly began in 1400 with an Islamic Melaka. We are led to believe that the Indians and Chinese first arrived on the shores of Malaysia in about 1850 as desperate indentured laborers, farmers and miners. Nothing could be further from the truth. The cultural influences of India in particular, and China, in South East Asia span over 2,000 years, starting with the arrival from India of the Brahmanical prince/scholar, Aji Saka in Java in AD78, through to Vietnam, Cambodia (Indo China), Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, Bali, Borneo, Brunei and beyond. The findings at Bujang Valley speak of an ancient Indian/Hindu presence in Kedah. There were Chinese settlements in Pahang and Kelantan around the 13th-14th century and in 12th century in Singapore . The early Brunei Sultanate had a Chinese Queen. One need not ponder at length the implications of Angkor Wat and Borobudur or that 40%-50% of Bahasa Malaysia comprises Sanskrit/Tamil words. To illustrate, some of these word are:
bumi = boomi
singgasana = singgasanam
putra = putran
perdana = pirathamar
raja = rajah
menteri = manthiri
desa = thesa
kapal = kappal
syakti = sakthi
samudra = samuthiram
kolam = kulam
sepatu = sappattu
bahaya = abahya
jaya = jeya
maha = maha
aneka = aneha
nadi = naadi
kedai = kadai
mahligai = maaligai
mantra = manthrum
tandas = sandas (This list can go on)
An extremely important archeological find that pointed to one of the greatest empires in history, The Raja Chola empire that ruled from the Maldives through India, Sri Lanka and right down to South East Asia found deep in the jungles of Johor a few years ago and made headlines in the mainstream newspapers in 2005, suddenly disappeared from the news. The time has arrived for us to record our history as the facts tell us and not as we would like to wish it. The truth will never hurt anyone. Lies, always will.
LEE Ong Kim (Dr)
Associate Professor and Head Policy and Leadership Studies
National Institute of Education
NIE2-03-54, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616
Tel: (6... GMT+8h | Fax: (65) 6896-9151 |
An Institute of Nanyang Technological University
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Double Decker Rapid Penang
Penang Bridge Express Shuttle Transit (Best)
Bridge Express Shuttle Transit (Best) park and ride system to ferry employees living on the mainland but working in the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone (FIZ) may be implemented within the next six months. The target is to reduce the number of cars using the bridge during peak hours by 20% and this will solve 80% of the congestion problem on the bridge from 6am to 9am and 4pm to 7pm. If this project is successful, we may have a similar system from Komtar to the FIZ too.The bus service would be totally free and the commuters only have to pay for the parking. It is belived the state would generate funds to run the system through advertising revenue and the local councils.Rapid Penang operations chief Mohd Azam Omar said Best would only be successful if the terminal facilities were good. Air conditioned shelters,comfortable waiting areas, WiFi access, surau and route information systems are a must he added .There is also a need aggressive promotion to create awareness besides making sure that the buses are frequent and reliable and this project is projected to require 10 to 15 buses .The park and ride sites identified are at the Sunway Carnival area, Seberang Jaya expo site and a piece of land before the Penang Bridge toll plaza..To all Penangnite lets make this a success by project and lets make a change towards the betterment of our beloved Penang.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Laporan Ketua Audit Negara Tahun 2009
Lembagai Tabung Haji (LTH)
Sejumlah RM435,850 telah dikeluarkan melalui 113 proses transaksi yang tidak sah melibatkan 56 akaun pendeposit Lembagai Tabung Haji (LTH) di lima buah negeri bagi tahun 2007 hingga tahun lepas.
Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP)
MAIWP bercadang melupuskan 70 unit penghawa dingin walaupun ia masih berfungsi dengan baik. Sebanyak 70 unit alat penghawa dingin yang diperoleh pada tahun 2007 dan 2008 yang hendak dilupuskan tiada disenaraikan dalam Laporan Lembaga Pemeriksa tetapi pihak pengurusan MAIWP telah mencadangkannya untuk pelupusan.
Sebanyak 10 unit alat bengkel kemahiran (harga perolehan RM63,380), 1 unit alat muzik (RM1,495), 2 unit periuk(RM7,800) dan 1 unit mesin jahit butang (RM6,167) tidak digunakan kerana pelbagai sebab seperti ketiadaan tenaga pengajar dan tidak menepati keperluan.
Kehilangan MAIWP mendapati berlaku kehilangan aset sebanyak 21 unit bernilai RM45,789, antaranya melibatkan peralatan komputer dan kamera.
Pembelian minyak yang meragukan. Berdasarkan laporan butiran belian minyak yang dikeluarkan syarikat minyak pada tahun 2007 hingga 2009 didapati pengisian minyak bagi 4 kenderaan dibuat dalam selang masa yang tidak munasabah dan kos pengisian yang meragukan.
Pembelian minyak melebihi kapasiti tangki. Menurut spesifikasi Proton Waja 1.6, kapasiti penuh minyak kereta adalah 60 liter. Bagaimanapun semakan audit mendapati 7 transaksi pembeliau sebanyak 78.13 liter, melebihi kapasiti penuh sebanyak 18.13 liter.
Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) telah meluluskan pinjaman sejumlah RM59.09 juta kepada pejabatnya di peringkat negeri dan daerah di Wilayah Persekutuan dan lima negeri tanpa mengambil kira kedudukan peruntukan kewangan.
Angkatan Tentera
Hospital Angkatan Tentera di kem Kinrara, Puchong yang dikenali sebagai '95 Hospital ATM' dibina di bawah tahap spesifikasi sekalipun harga asalnya dikekalkan.Dibina pada harga sebanyak RM267.89 juta, kontraktor dikatakan mengambil jalan mudah dengan membuat pindaan terhadap skop kerja - tanpa memaklumkan kepada Kementerian Kewangan. Dalam Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2009, didapati beberapa skop kerja diturunkan tarafnya termasuklah:
- Keluasan bangunan hospital dikurangkan sebanyak 7,000 meter persegi.
- Mengurangkan sistem interkom kepada 15 stesen kritikal sahaja berbanding 52 stesten yang sepatutnya.
- Kemudahan seperti rumah keluarga untuk pegawai dan pangkat-pangkat lain, Wisma Perwira serta Wisma Bintara tidak dibangunkan atau dibina.
- Peralatan perubatan telah dikurangkan kepada 60 peratus daripada sasaran asal.
Rancangan Makanan Tambahan
Kanak-kanak sekolah yang dijanjikan roti sandwich sardin tetapi hanya dibekalkan dua keping roti dengan marjerin.
Pembekal makanan di lima sekolah rendah yang lainj sekitar Malaysia juga didapati membekalkan kualiti makanan yang jauh lebih rendah daripada menu yang dicadangkan mengikut Rancangan Makanan Tambahan di sekolah-sekolah.
Enam lagi pembekal didapati menyediakan makanan yang langsung berbeza dengan apa yang dicadangkan dalam program itu, lazimnya makanan berkenaan bernilai lebih rendah daripada sepatutnya.
Berbalik kepada perkara asal saya disini dengan segala hormatnya mencabar BN secara terbuka khasnya pemuda BN UMNO MCA dan MIC GERAKAN PPP untuk bangkit bersuara dalam isu ini. Janganalah pemuda BN yang memang gagah membela rakyat bersikap lembut atau macam pondan dengan membangkitkan isu-isu remeh seperti tong sampah tidak diletakkan di tempal betul , isu banner tiada tulisan kaum-kaum tertentu, isu jalan berlubang mahupun isu tempat letak kereta dan banyak lagi isu-isu bertaraf kanak-kanak ribena yang masih belajar di tadika buktikan bahawa anda bukan kaki ampu tauke anda untuk dapatkan kontrak mahupun jawatan tertentu parti.Jikalau ada maruah sebagai seorang lelaki bangkitkan isu ini dimana-mana jua mahupun di siber space.Sekian
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sri Balathandayuthabani Temple Waterfall Road,Penang
* The present temple is too small to accommodate the ever-growing number of devotees,which swells up to 700,000 during the Thaipusam Festival.
* That due to natural streams flowing below the present temple the safety of the present structure is the main concern.
The present temple having been built sometimes in 1850 has been ravagned by the weather.The temple structure is weakened and leaks have sprung in many areas. Piecemeal repairs have been periodically conducted, but these repairs cannot address the inherent weakness of the structures. The Temple Management Commitee then decided to consult a well-known authority on agamic rules and procedures for the building of the Temple. A delegation went to Tamil Nadu in February 2000. They met His Holiness, Sri Jayendra Saraswati Swamiji, and the 69th Pontiff of the Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham. He gave his blessings to delegation members seek the services of world renowned temple architect and Vaastu expert Dr.V.Ganapati Sthapati.T he plans and earthwork drawings for the new temple were submitted to the relevant authorities and approval was abtained in the beginning of 2006. Earthworks commenced on 03-02-2006. The total estimated costs for the completion of the temple is Five Million Ringgit. The high cost is mainly due to constuction being conducted on hilly terrain. The proposed site would be on a 2 acre plot, whereby the proposed built up area of the Temple would be 35000 sq feet. The proposed 2 acre site would be sufficient for any future development. The Building Committee is now on a nationwide drive to collect donations from devotees and well-wishers to rebuild the oldest temple in Malaysia. In this I seek your kind donations to help makes this project a success. All donations and contributions are tax exempt and The Building Committee shall send you an official receipt for your contributions.
All cheques are to be made payable to "Hill-Top Murugan Temple Fund"
Kindly forward your donations to:
The Secretariat Hill-Top Murugan Temple Fund No.1-F
2nd Floor,Penang Street, 10200 Penang
Friday, October 22, 2010
Below are some of the answers for the question that might be raised.
Aqua Save is a program to recognize water efficiency of an organization
Who organize this program?
The program is organized by PBAPP in collaboration with the Penang State Government.
Why it is implemented?
As the water provider in Penang, PBAPP holds the responsibility to encourage water conservation among Penangites and contribute to Penang’s long term goal of water sustainability.
How is Aqua Save program implemented?
It is implemented through certification which will be issued to the qualifying organizations.
Who can apply for Aqua Save?
The program is open to the following in Penang:
i. Companies
ii. Industrial institutions
iii. Hotels
iv. Educational Institutions
v. Government Departments
vi. Any other business and non-business organizations
Can individual and residential consumers participate in the program?
What is the benefit of Aqua Save?
The qualifying organizations shall:
i. Be awarded with a certificate
ii. Use the Aqua Save logo on their company letter head, correspondences, advertisements etc
iii. Recognition and publicity
iv. Special recognition for organizations that have been awarded with the certificate for 3 consecutive years.
How do organizations apply for this certification?
They may fill up the application form which can be downloaded from the following website
What are the assessment evaluation criteria?
The Aqua Save Committee will conduct the evaluation based on few criteria:
i. Amount of water savings
ii. Initiatives and effort performed by the organization to conserve water
iii. Innovativeness and cost effectiveness of the technologies used
iv. Commitment to contribute into sustainability of water conservation
v. Any other relevant procedures, policies, activities or mechanisms that lead to water conservation
Is there any closing date for the program?
It is an ongoing program. As such, there will not be any closing date. The application form can be submitted any time through out the year.
Will PBAPP organize any briefing session on this program?
Yes, PBAPP will be organizing a workshop to brief on the program details.
Where can we get more information on this program?
Kindly visit the website at or drop an email to
Level 32 & 33, KOMTAR, Jalan Penang, 10000 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang. Tel: 04-2634 200 Fax: 04-2613 581
Penang Water Supply Statistics 2009
Total land area – State of Penang | 1,031 sq km | |
Gazetted water catchment area | 62.9 sq km | |
Main source of raw water | Muda River (Sungai Muda) | |
Population (est.) | 1.58 million people | |
Registered water consumers | Domestic - 432,422 Trade - 60,812 | |
Total - 493,234 | ||
No. of dams | 6 | |
Total raw water storage capacity | 46,013 million litres | |
No. of treatment plants | 10 | |
Design capacity of treatment plants | 1,273 million litres per day | |
Average treated water production | 913 million litres per day | |
Average registered consumption | 739 milion litres per day | |
Non-Revenue Water (NRW) | 19.1% | |
No. of treated water reservoirs | 60 | |
No. of treated water towers | 34 | |
Total length of pipelines | ||
(100mm and above) | 3,916km |